Lavender is a special plant that everyone can benefit from in some way. The flowers look beautiful, but it also charms us with its wonderful smell. Lavender has been proven to have a beautiful effect on our body and mind. But here comes the best news we have for you! You could plant lavender at home. This works just as well in the garden or on the balcony. Here’s everything you should know about it.
You can use both the leaves and the flowers
Why you should plant lavender!
Before we give you specific tips on how to plant lavender, we would like to motivate you a bit. Both the leaves and the flowers of lavender can be used for therapeutic purposes. They are natural flavors that can also be used in gastronomy. They are also widely used in cosmetics. They would be ideal for aromatherapy and have a calming effect on the skin and hair. Last but not least, this lavender acts as a natural sedative without any known side effects. Many people solve their problems with easily greasy hair and scalp, as well as blemishes on the face with the help of lavender water.
You can also combine the lavender with other plants in the garden if there is a greater distance between them
The right soil for the lavender
Let’s start with where the lavender does well. At home, lavender feels comfortable in places with a dry climate. The ideal soil would be sandy, with lots of rocks and dry. In recent years, however, it has also been discovered that soil rich in humus is also very good for the plant. It is best to prepare a mixture of soil from the garden with lime and sand. You can use the lavender in it.
Lavender in the flowerpot – the mission is quite possible!
This is how you can plant lavender in a flowerpot!
Even if you have a larger garden, you should first plant the lavender in a flower pot. This makes it easier for you to have everything under control. Then you could always transplant it into the ground. Lavender likes moderate temperatures, so the room should be neither too warm nor too cold. If you put this plant in a flower pot, you can easily take the right mixture of soil, sand and limestone. The drainage is also of particular importance, because the soil must not become too moist. For this you need flower pots with slightly larger holes through which the water flows. In this case, it makes no difference what time of year you plant the lavender.
Even tending to the lavender is a therapy in itself
Lavender can also be planted in the garden
Of course, you could also put lavender in the garden. To do this, choose a place that is very well shielded from the wind. It should preferably be in the semi-shade. It is best to do this in the spring, as soon as the likelihood of frost is minimal. The distance between the individual plants should be at least 30 and at most 90 cm. In this case, it is imperative to avoid waterlogging and choose a place with good permeability. The lavender must also not be too close to other plants.
Bags of dry lavender flowers make a great gift idea
Small plants or seeds?
You have two options for planting lavender. You could either plant a small shoot that is already around 10 cm high. Another alternative would be the seeds. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. With the plants you will of course achieve faster results. You can also plant them a little later than in early summer. But this is the more expensive variant and it would be the better option for the balcony and use in flower pots. However, you must ensure that the plants are in good condition. If grown in improper soil, they could rot quickly before they can even develop further.
There is hardy lavender that can even survive -15 degrees
care during growth
If you plant lavender, you would also have to be prepared to cut it during the year. The already grown plant simply needs this care so that it develops as well as possible. But that’s also pure indulgence in itself, because you’re already touching the buds and you’ll enjoy that kind-hearted aromatherapy! Twice you have to cut back the lavender. You have to do this briefly after the first flowers have grown. This is necessary after that, just before the lavender fades, i.e. in midsummer. The goal is to allow the development of new shoots and a second flower. About half of the plant is cut back the first time and a third of it the second time.
Lavender grows well in dry, sandy soil
Find the right type of lavender!
There are two popular varieties of lavender on the market that you can buy and plant accordingly. One tolerates the harsh temperatures down to -15 degrees quite well. This would be ideal for the garden. For the balcony you can also use the other variety, which would do well at around 0°. This not so hardy lavender variety could also be planted in gardens here. In winter, however, this strain would need to be insulated from the cold somehow. In addition to different types of plastic, leaves and foliage would also be a good option for the purpose.
When you plant lavender, you can enjoy many benefits at the end of the season!
Lavender is ideal for the modern lifestyle
Nowadays we like to combine functionality, style and health. The lavender goes perfectly with it. This plant can be used well in the decoration of modern homes. It would also match the traditional design. The lavender aroma has a calming and soothing effect. Finally, the flowers can also be used in gastronomy for various recipes. Lavender is a medicinal plant and also good for health. So that you can also enjoy the plant in winter, you should dry some leaves and distribute them in small bags. You can also use them in winter decorations. Such bags also serve as great gift ideas.
Lavender is a light and, moreover, a very grateful plant! This could be something for those of you who dare to plant and care for anything in the garden or on the balcony for the first time! We wish you much success!
Lavender is a great decoration at home!
The lavender in the front yard would be natural therapy for you and your family!
Enjoy the summer with the beautiful lavender aroma!