We would say that plants make up every garden. It is therefore important which plants you choose. Be it flowers, shrubs or trees, these must first and foremost be suitable for the location and secondarily match each other. Perennials are usually part of the design of a garden. In the following lines we will show you how to create a beautiful perennial bed.
Create a perennial bed – colorful flowers are fun
Creating a flower bed – what do you have to consider?
The lush flowers in the garden create a good atmosphere and a beautiful picture. Perennial plants, and especially perennials, are the perfect choice for anyone wanting a colorful and low-maintenance garden.
Unless you plan them very carefully. Be very careful about planting perennials haphazardly just because you all like them. The result would be chaos in the garden. Especially in a large ridge, a planned planting is definitely not to be missed! We give you a few more tips that you should bear in mind when creating a perennial bed.
Beautiful flowers and combination of growth forms are the key to a fresh flower bed. Avoid that the perennials are at the same height in the bed. This makes the flower bed look very monotonous and you certainly don’t want something like that! The tiered structure in the perennial bed is particularly advantageous if you want to conceal bare spots.
The flowering perennial bed is a real delight for the eye
And if the bed has to bloom all year round, then you should combine perennials that have different flowering times throughout the year. It is advisable not to exceed six or seven different varieties of perennials to combine so that the bed looks harmonious.
Avoid competition between perennials, meaning they should have similar vigor. It is also important that the plants have the same location and soil requirements.
The tall perennials must be at the back, the low ones at the front
Creating a perennial bed – Which perennials are best?
Creating a perennial bed does not take much time and is very easy to maintain. The reason: Most perennials do not have any special care requirements. The most important thing is to choose the right plants for the respective location in the garden. Below we briefly present some of the most beautiful perennials for the flower bed. Maybe you will draw inspiration from it!
This delicate plant belongs to the mallow family. They are also called hollyhock and peasant rose. It is also known by the Greek name Althea among botanists. The common hollyhock can reach a height of 2 meters. This garden flower is a biennial plant. This means that in the first year it only forms the leaf rosettes and in the second year the long and straight stalk grows from them. The ornamental perennial thrives best in nutrient-rich, permeable and dry to slightly moist soil. The location must be in full sun. You have to cut back flowers that have faded, because the large bloom is tiring for the plant and it begins to bloom less over the years. In flower beds, hollyhock is a beautiful background for lower plants.
The hollyhock is particularly popular in cottage gardens
Larkspur is a true classic among garden flowers. This is a buttercup plant, which can exist not only as a perennial, but also as an annual and biennial plant. In addition to the beautiful panicles of flowers, the delphinium also surprises us with its fresh green and palmate leaves. The plant blooms in blue, white, purple and even pink from June to September. The plant likes full sun, but you need to protect the ground area around the plant from the sun by planting under. If you choose delphiniums for your perennial bed, you need to know the following: delphiniums are heavy feeders and must therefore be supplied with liquid fertilizer every three weeks during the flowering period.
The eye-catching panicles of flowers provide colorful accents in the garden
sun bride
Another perennial that’s perfect for sunny spots is coneflower. The plant, which flowers in yellow, orange and red, has a long flowering period. A distinction is made in the plant between early summer and autumn bloomers. The first ones flower from June to August and the second ones show their flowers from July to early October. Since the sun bride is particularly hardy, it does not need any additional winter protection in winter. It thrives in regular garden soil. What you should definitely keep in mind is that it must neither be too dry nor too moist.
The ornamental perennial is very bee-friendly
Catnip thrives best in sunny locations. The easy-care and hardy plant blooms from May to September. The green-leaved species are suitable for moist soil and the gray-leaved species are more suitable for dry soil. The different varieties reach a height of between 20 and 150 centimeters, whereby the low varieties can be planted as a bed border. If the plant is cut back, it will bloom a second time. The pleasant smell of catnip attracts not only insects but also cats.
The fragrant flowers delight the eye for a long time
flame flower
Botanically, the flame flower is called a phlox. About 60 species of the plant are known. Among them there are perennials that grow creeping and others that reach a significantly higher stature. The flower spikes appear in pink, pink, purple, white or blue. The beautifully scented plant thrives in a light and airy spot. The plant needs a nutrient-rich and permeable soil. Avoid waterlogging.
The phlox has its strongest scent around midday or in the evening
Conclusion: Since you can enjoy the perennials in your own garden for several years, you often rely on exactly such plant species to spice up your garden. If you have a clear plan and you act step by step, it is not difficult to create a perennial bed. After you have made a concept, it is real fun to design the flower bed.
The plants in the bed must make a nice overall impression
Plant the perennials on a cloudy day so that the strong sun does not damage these garden flowers
Even monotonous planting makes a beautiful picture