07The succulents are very often chosen for the garden and home because they are easy to care for. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of them. Although succulents are heat and drought tolerant, they do require quite a bit of water and it’s important to get the right amount in order for them to grow well and develop as desired.
Watering succulents needs to be done differently depending on whether they are indoors or outdoors. Instead of putting a little drop here and there, you’d have to water them copiously. Do this until the water starts to flow out of the pot. Be sure to let the soil dry out completely before watering again.
Good drainage is very important because too much moisture can kill the succulents.
Summer is a good time to bring the succulent outside. This is a simple way to make your home greener.
Here you need to follow some rules regarding watering and solar radiation. Succulents love the sun, but do best in partial shade. The intense sunlight is harmful to them especially in the morning hours to noon.
You need to irrigate here using the same principles. However, the soil will dry out faster outside and you have to be careful that the succulents do not suffer from drought for too long.
Succulents planted directly into soil require the most water. This is very important, especially at the beginning. After a few weeks, their root system will develop well enough and the succulents will be more drought tolerant.
The new succulents must be planted in well-drained soil. The standing water is a guarantee that they will not develop well.