When you plant your balcony, you have to consider many different circumstances. It doesn’t get much easier than creating a small garden. In some respects it is perhaps even more complicated. If you rummage through the diverse information on the Internet, you can easily lose the thread and end up neglecting important aspects by mistake! This is exactly what we want to avoid with the following article. In fact, there are some basic rules of selection and care, and if you follow them, you will save yourself from major mistakes! You can find out more about the stylistic aspects of the balcony garden here.
Choose plants that suit your balcony
Which direction is the balcony?
When you plant plants on the balcony, it makes a big difference in which direction it actually faces. Each position has its pros and cons, and knowing them well will help you avoid making major mistakes! For example, your south-facing balcony gets a lot of light and if it is glazed, many plants can probably survive there even in winter. However, in summer you often need sun protection so that everything doesn’t burn. Logically, it looks exactly the other way around on the north balcony.
Temperate conditions and a pronounced midday sun prevail on the east and west balconies. For many plant species that thrive in partial shade, such circumstances are best.
The balcony planting does not always need a lot of space
Carefully choose the varieties with which you plant your balcony
The choice of balcony plants is the next crucial aspect. The first criterion should again be the balcony position. There are types of plants that generally grow better on a south, north, east or west balcony. This mainly has to do with the lighting conditions. You can get an overview of this topic in the following article on our website.
The other criterion for choosing balcony plants is the type and amount of soil they need for their development. Specialists recommend opting for substrate. Fertilizers and water are very well absorbed in this. The excess amounts of it are stored and the plant can access them again and again as needed. There are certain species, like gardenias, that you can buy in the market with good quality. These are considered annuals, but can actually thrive for several years and overwinter in the basement. This is one of the many low-maintenance examples that ensure lush splendor on the balcony. The selection of the plants also includes the ability to distinguish them from the others with good quality. Rotten roots or wilted leaves are clearly not a good sign! Learn more about this topic here.
Choose easy-care plants!
Flower vessels and the distribution of plants in them
The small garden on the balcony is of course dependent on flower pots. These must be characterized by a symbiosis of beautiful aesthetics and practical use. However, if you want to save space, you might want to look for those for the balcony railings or hanging baskets. Some can also be attached to the wall.
Heavy and larger flowerpots would be more suitable when lying on the ground. You can take larger flower pots and put several plants there. Alternatively, you can design your balcony with small flower pots. Again, it depends a lot on what kind of flowers are used there and whether they can get along well and develop next to each other in a small area. For the latter to work well, they must have roughly equal demands for water and sun, and their root systems must not be mutually exclusive.
An example of successful balcony planting on a shady side
And a few more care tips
We conclude the topic with some care tips “to go”. Of course you have to water the plants properly and this in accordance with the corresponding balcony position. Of course, they need more water in summer, but you should not water them in the hottest hours. Do this sparingly, in the right amounts, early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Investing in a special watering can, which makes it easier to dose the water, is well worth it. There are also suitable fertilizers and specifics for each individual plant variety that you should make note of and stick to!
With climbing plants you can also make the balcony beautiful
When it comes to good planting, a large part depends on the right flower pots
It is better to plant the balcony with easy-care plants
Even larger plants could develop successfully with good care
The balcony planting can be part of the wall design
Large planters are often a very practical solution
Spread rural flair with matching plants
Raised beds are often the best option for balcony planting
Also pay attention to the decorative effect of the pots
Vertical design with plants – certainly a great option for balcony planting
These flower pots can easily be moved inside and/or outside