life style

The multi -signs birth list to compare before buying!

Multi -brand birth list
Today I wanted to tell you about a real nugget to organize a birth list, the site Little package. This site dedicated to Birth lists know how to offer us an excellent service that is worth the detour!
If you are pregnant or know someone who is, you know how difficult it can be to choose the perfect gifts for a newborn baby. This is where little package comes in! They are there to help you create a personalized, ingenious and easy -to -use birth list.

The concept of little package is simple: It allows multi-seizure visibility for our birth list. This means that it is possible to add items from different stores, from any website to our completely independent birth list. You can customize your list with photos, descriptions and comments for each article.

Multi -brand birth list
Make an intelligent birth list

But that’s not all! You can also give the people who want to participate in your list to participate by giving money that will be credited on your little package account. You can also activate the function of direct order gift.

Participants can therefore contribute to the gift they want in the list, and you can see the progress of the kitty for each object. This means that you can gradually see where you are in the progress of preparations for your baby!

Birth list solution
Create a superb birth list

In addition, you can add new purchases at any time And add these items from any website. There is no restriction! You can add all the items you want, without any limits.

The main advantage of little package is that this solution is practical and easy for all future parents. With this site, you can create a birth list that is easy to use for you and your friends and family.

To distribute it you have a customizable URL +), a QR code to distribute but also if your entourage does not have this link, there is a keyword search engine so just type the name, The first name … you can leave it public and even protect by an access code.

protect your birth list
QR code for birth list

In conclusion, little package is an ideal solution to create a birth list Personalized and easy to use for everyone. Thanks to this multi-Seigne visibility we can see immediately which seller offers the most interesting possibility of purchase at instant T.

Future parents, don’t wait any longer, create From now on your birth list on little package! If you need inspiration, you can consult a Birth list example.

Did you know a birth list

also accessible and pleasant

to set up?

Online birth list


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